Yamaha Endorsed Musician
In 2014 I was incredibly honoured to become a Yamaha endorsed musician for Australia.
To date I have written four musical works to accompany some of my children’s books, three of those (Tree, Parachute and Home & Away) using Yamaha’s extraordinary keyboard technology, in particular the The CVP 609. This exciting multi-modal series of works is known as “The Sound of Picture Books” with the works being performed across Australia.
I am currently working with Alf Demasi from Yamaha on a very exciting performance/film work based on the history of western music. Stay tuned…
For the musicians out there, the quote from me below is about the beautiful piano from Yamaha that I work with.
“Along with Cubase the CVP 609 offers an extraordinarily powerful armory for composers. For work-shopping ideas it is intuitive and there is no disruption to the creative flow. With a few finger taps I can change orchestrations, pushing my ideas to the limit. Mozart would’ve killed for an instrument like this and doubled his output.”